Vintage Pissing Penis, Grabbed And Licked

From a 1956 French dirty photo book by Sylviane Doucet, called Chronique d’une pucelle (Journal de Marinette):

Quick Peeing Relief

A quick squirt into a chamber pot, found ’round the net:

chamber pot pissing

Vintage Pissing Photo

From a Tumbr site:

Vintage color pissing photo.

You’ll like it.

Toilet Mouth

There’s a picture here of a girl sitting on a toilet while some guy pees in her mouth. The caption reads:

Every once in a while you find a girl that enjoys this.

It’s true, too. But the girl in the picture? She’s so not one of them.

Neglected Slavegirl Makes A Mess

“Honey, did you remember to take the slave out for her walk?”

“No dear, I forgot.”

“Damn, I’ll bet she peed her in corner again…”

Pissed On In Prison

You’ve got to see this: female prisoner being pissed on by a guard.

Piss On Him

From Vintage Lust:

Pissing Schoolgirls

Nothing like two schoolgirls squatting to piss at the side of the road:

school girls piddling in the road

This picture is from Spanking Blog, so of course they get thoroughly punished for their nasty public toilet habits.

Peeing With Paris Hilton

Pee fetish fans have got to love this quote:

“She has not only got a grand piano with—I swear to God—maybe a thousand pictures of herself, but I was in the bathroom, and there were pictures of her everywhere. I’m just trying to pee and there’s just fucking Paris.”

—Courtney Love on Paris Hilton

The Chamber Pot Squat

I think this may actually be an enema expulsion scene, but hey, use your imagination!

From Lupus.